PaKam-CiTy@DALnet INDONESIAN CHAT ROOM, #PaKaM-CiTy on DALNET NETWORK Wednesday, October 02, 2002 PaKaM-CiTy's Channel Rules We hope that all of our members obey all the rules! We only add new Aop only when we have a meeting. A new aop is a person who capable and pointed by Aop Recruiting Council. If there any Sop who dare to add Aop without knowing the founder, his/her Sop will gone that time PERMANENTLY! To new Aop must know each others well and guard the channel! Mean while only BOTS who capable and tested are allowed to have "@" access in #PaKaM-CiTy. Only Aop/Sop in #PaKaM-CiTy are allowed to give/share his/her bot. If you want to put your bot in #PaKaM-CiTy please contact one of The Founders. Notes: If there is a bot who has "@" access in #PaKaM-CiTy without being tested, it access will gone that time, period! We will have a meeting once a month (Sure We did ^o^ ). No one give out accees their nicknames passwords! If i found someone using other peoples nic...
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