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The Rules



Wednesday, October 02, 2002

PaKaM-CiTy's Channel Rules

We hope that all of our members obey all the rules!

  1. We only add new Aop only when we have a meeting. A new aop is a person who capable and pointed by Aop Recruiting Council. If there any Sop who dare to add Aop without knowing the founder, his/her Sop will gone that time PERMANENTLY!
  2. To new Aop must know each others well and guard the channel!
  3. Mean while only BOTS who capable and tested are allowed to have "@" access in #PaKaM-CiTy. Only Aop/Sop in #PaKaM-CiTy are allowed to give/share his/her bot. If you want to put your bot in #PaKaM-CiTy please contact one of The Founders.
    Notes: If there is a bot who has "@" access in #PaKaM-CiTy without being tested, it access will gone that time, period!
  4. We will have a meeting once a month (Sure We did ^o^ ).
  5. No one give out accees their nicknames passwords! If i found someone using other peoples nickname, then i'll delete his/her access right away.!
  6. For new comers in #PaKaM-CiTy we will give you an auto +v status when you join the channel. Please anyone who has access to bots in #PaKaM-CiTy, you are allowed to give out auto +v (auto voice) to people.
  7. Sop who wants to add new AKICK must send memo to all the members, and The Founders must know about it.!
  8. For the Founders, please let all the members know if you change the channel setting.!
  9. If your Aop/Sop status gone, please contact the Founders, and we'll talk about you in the next meeting.!
  10. NO age limit! Everyone is welcomed regardless of their ages.
  11. Clones ARE allowed in channel due to the fact that lots of #PaKaM-CiTy users are using mIRC on internet cafe.
  12. DO NOT KICK OR BAN OPS! IF IT'S AN ACCIDENT THEN IT IS FORGIVEABLE, BUT IF YOU DO IT ON PURPOSE, THEN YOU WILL SOON BE DE-OP'D! All op'S need to get along with each others. If you dont, simply DO NOT bring the fight into the channel.
  13. F-servers are allowed. Make sure it didn't announce itself too many times.
  14. You can be considered flooding and therefore can be kicked from channel.
  15. Nuking and other DOS attacks are NOT allowed at any times!!
  16. The use of Socks/Open Proxies/Wingates are allowed. However Ops have the right to kick/ban the users that use Socks/Open Proxies/Wingates if they think they are causing chaos on channel.
  17. Mass-Inviting/Mass-advertising are NOT allowed in channel. Ops have every right to kick/ban the host/domain of those users who do mass-inviting/mass- advertising. If there are any Ops that are doing mass-inviting in channel, their AOP/SOP's will be DELETED.
  18. DO NOT be an ass to people because of their nick's. Turn your head… they pick what they want as a nick, just as you did.
  19. Channel operators have right to ban the whole host or even the whole domain. This is only permissible if the users from that host or domain are causing chaos on #PaKaM-CiTy.

ATTENTION: all your activities, will be logged, by bots or any other else......

ChanServ- Info for #PaKaM-CiTy:

ChanServ- Founder : LoVeMaTa (MataKu@Main-Games-Di-Dimensi.Net)

ChanServ- Mode Lock : +nt-skip

ChanServ- Last Topic : Welcome to #PaKaM-CiTy @ DALnet REMOTE OFF PLS /!\

ChanServ- Description : WeLCoMe To The PaKaM-CiTy ChaNnEL

ChanServ- Options : SecuredOps, Ident, Topic Lock(S)

ChanServ- Memo Level : AOP

ChanServ- Registered : Sun 09/01/2002 10:07:54 GMT

ChanServ- Last opping : Sat 10/12/2002 03:25:02 GMT

ChanServ- *** End of Info ***


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