Wednesday, October 02, 2002
PaKaM-CiTy's Channel Rules
We hope that all of our members obey all the rules!
- We only add new Aop only when we have a meeting. A new aop is a person who capable and pointed by Aop Recruiting Council. If there any Sop who dare to add Aop without knowing the founder, his/her Sop will gone that time PERMANENTLY!
- To new Aop must know each others well and guard the channel!
- Mean while only BOTS who capable and tested are allowed to have "@" access in #PaKaM-CiTy. Only Aop/Sop in #PaKaM-CiTy are allowed to give/share his/her bot. If you want to put your bot in #PaKaM-CiTy please contact one of The Founders.
Notes: If there is a bot who has "@" access in #PaKaM-CiTy without being tested, it access will gone that time, period! - We will have a meeting once a month (Sure We did ^o^ ).
- No one give out accees their nicknames passwords! If i found someone using other peoples nickname, then i'll delete his/her access right away.!
- For new comers in #PaKaM-CiTy we will give you an auto +v status when you join the channel. Please anyone who has access to bots in #PaKaM-CiTy, you are allowed to give out auto +v (auto voice) to people.
- Sop who wants to add new AKICK must send memo to all the members, and The Founders must know about it.!
- For the Founders, please let all the members know if you change the channel setting.!
- If your Aop/Sop status gone, please contact the Founders, and we'll talk about you in the next meeting.!
- NO age limit! Everyone is welcomed regardless of their ages.
- Clones ARE allowed in channel due to the fact that lots of #PaKaM-CiTy users are using mIRC on internet cafe.
- DO NOT KICK OR BAN OPS! IF IT'S AN ACCIDENT THEN IT IS FORGIVEABLE, BUT IF YOU DO IT ON PURPOSE, THEN YOU WILL SOON BE DE-OP'D! All op'S need to get along with each others. If you dont, simply DO NOT bring the fight into the channel.
- F-servers are allowed. Make sure it didn't announce itself too many times.
- You can be considered flooding and therefore can be kicked from channel.
- Nuking and other DOS attacks are NOT allowed at any times!!
- The use of Socks/Open Proxies/Wingates are allowed. However Ops have the right to kick/ban the users that use Socks/Open Proxies/Wingates if they think they are causing chaos on channel.
- Mass-Inviting/Mass-advertising are NOT allowed in channel. Ops have every right to kick/ban the host/domain of those users who do mass-inviting/mass- advertising. If there are any Ops that are doing mass-inviting in channel, their AOP/SOP's will be DELETED.
- DO NOT be an ass to people because of their nick's. Turn your head… they pick what they want as a nick, just as you did.
- Channel operators have right to ban the whole host or even the whole domain. This is only permissible if the users from that host or domain are causing chaos on #PaKaM-CiTy.
ATTENTION: all your activities, will be logged, by bots or any other else......
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ChanServ- Founder : LoVeMaTa (MataKu@Main-Games-Di-Dimensi.Net)
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ChanServ- Last opping : Sat 10/12/2002 03:25:02 GMT
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